He is my love of my life, the one I give my heart to, the one I made plans to spent the
rest of my life with; he means so much to me, I tell him my deepest darkest secrets to. He
lied to me he tried to pretend I wouldn't notice our relationship has fallen beyond the
rocks, what's so hard about being honest I never cheated on you but I find you calling me
another woman's name then claim that that's your mother. Where has our love gone but down
the drain, I don't want to hear it don't even explain; I refuse to cry another day or put
up with this. You was my love but love died with the respect I used to have for you, who
do I turn to to trust I don't know what to believe anymore It hurts to know but it's time
we just went our seperates way, I can already see you moved on so now it's time for me to
forget everything to used to do and all the time we spent together. Never mind that I ever
had feeling for you because they disappeared just like I did.