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Do one knows the meaning of silk perhaps motion capture more over self-imagine,
If material was a catch and words form patterns then let me paint the picture,
Do one knows the meaning of silk perhaps motion capture more over self-imagine.
Then Circle the calendar I ask is this season for love and a kiss among mistletoe,
Twas is once and Twas is the heart of minting of hearts do you feel such a connection,
If a throne brush a feather a heath decreed sound tringle roots mountains held sight are we at bay,
Or sync a cross hurdles have we yet bridge the gap,
Bless of a keystone, arch, position and of a chorded like chess of a check mate,
Simplicity growth among haste of day to day work of a holiday to rejoice is of fashion,
Dearest feign of a touch passion sign lead by candle lights please no interruption sign on the door,
Does this tend to ring a bell the type of dessert is always a suggestion,
A deli cation meal the pleasure is all mines,
“If all men can count with you none count against you”
Do one know the meaning of silk perhaps motion capture of self-imagine awakens,
Beauty is your name,
Appease such sounds a breathe or that of a lock that starts to grind around a grit of a map,
Destiny form shapes stars evolve is am I being to up front,
Florence of its uptake tic toc the foot heels of a bed how it rocks,
Will one lover hold a prestige stance could lovers tell or other tell by one reacting,
Twas to the night,
Do one know mean of silk perhaps motion capture of self- imagine awaken,
Comforter or relaxes let the scenery of place tell the origin,
Simplicity of the most upheld do you think now is the time to tell our parents,
Does love grow old?
Why don’t ask love.