Love Poem: Breaking Free From the Maytrix
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Written by: Cheyenne Moses

Breaking Free From the Maytrix

Society is a peculiar place 
stranger than a stanger's face 
When you have confidence in yourself 
They look down at you with disgrace
When you have opinions & ideas 
They misjudge based upon race.... 
It's so unfortunate how we've been preconditioned to hate ourselves.
To hide ourselves . 
But I know myself a little too well 
If we show our bodies, then we are hoes.  
It doesn't make sense but that's how society goes.
How does loving what you look like & embracing the truth 
make you a whore or ashamed to show your everlasting glow 
how about realizing that there is no such thing. 
Women should be as open & as sexual & free as they please 
without being ridiculed, penalized, judged or 
harassed, raped ..lets spread the self love
I'm spreading self love & body awareness like a disease 
We can be free. 
What works for me, may not work for you. 
But if you gaze thru my compelling point of view 
You'll see you don't need their validation or opinion or comment on how they feel about your actions
Don't feed into hate, never give them satisfaction
It makes no sense at all why you should hide your own anatomy. 
It's natural & you are beautiful
This brainwashing the youth is a fckn catastrophe
 no matter the size or color or shape. 
Just know you manifest your own reality 
So take yourself on a date
You think I have no self respect, well actually I have respect for self dwelling & pulsing out of my veins with every breath. 
I didn't create this so you will like me
I post to bring awareness to female equality! 
never forget who you are & can be
Because she can 
& he can 
& we can be free.