Love Poem: Breathing By Design
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Breathing By Design

The logical conclusion of overpopulating
overly-competitive and aggressive human natural dominant trends,
of suicide and other irrationalities
and errors in self/other-enculturation
through evolutionary cooperative multisensory sciences and arts and history
and myth and logos-icons of symmetric rhythmic 
exegetical not-not (0) ego/ecobalance 

CoPresent Soul of ReGenerative
Balanced CoGravitational Time

Instead compulsively not-not choosing 
to head/tail
crown/root toward hell of anger and fear anyway,
not taking sufficient time to recall 

These are Fear Prophets of Past Angry Sins,
predicting lack of even hellfire's last flame of Shame's SelfHatred,
awash in self-perpetuating not-not reiterations
of disbicamerolling negentropic 
MindBlame chaos.

Then stop
you still empathically elate positive nutrients,
all heading in a more cooperatively polycultural direction
appositional nondual dipolar bilateral-linear
reversed round wu wei circumscribing Tipping Points 
of an endosymbiotically positive-positive 
not/not quite yet potential win/win CoPresence
ReVolutionary inhale with exhale 
global ego within eco
Me within We political-social 
geo/neuro-systemic psychology.

If you are still breathing
you have already begun this practice
of absorbing both positive nutrition and toxins,
co-arising collateral negatives, fear and anger,
teaching your oppositional anti-death MidWay WinWin,
while those FearAnger 
Body/Mind evil Twins inevitably follow

Planned or unplanned
either way 
consistently or inconsistently
increasing aggressive/passive Yang ballistic
Yin autistic Bad Way
toward Crown's ever-faster 
RootSystemic demise.

EgoLeft thoughts
EcoRight feeling CoPassion
always loses 
playing by Capitalistic Head's own Win-Lose dominating expectations.

Incarnations die 
from neglect
and abuse
and full-term wealth
to fuel further regeneratively healthy incarnations.

This ecology of dialectically compassionate life
predicts continuing win/lose BusinessAsUsual,
inhaling LeftMind verbal dominance
while therapeutic RightBody exhaling 
more anger-fear trauma toxins

Love-peace synchronously breathing 
co-empathic nurture choices,
thereby ego/eco-pathologically emerging
even further mind/body binomially centered
bi-culturally fixated, 
hypnotized by our own fear of Body's shameful death,
absorbing further toxins and collateral corporate insult,
self-abuse and other-neglect,
violence and "what's the use?" cognitive-affective dissonance,
addiction to compulsive possession 
and obsessive dispossession
of ego's increasingly constipated
past body anger and future mind fear ruminations,
with negatively unresolved,
unacceptable losing Loser 
messages of ultimate despair.

WinWin cooperative co-regeneration 
YangWealth/YinHealth chakra communion
would be just the opposite of competitive monocultural supremacy,
ego v ecosystemic political and economic
private v public 
BusinessAsUsual double-binding 
Memind v Webody negativity.

Our ecological and economic cooperative project
of natural regenerativity
as also spiritual ego/ecoconsciousness 
basking in love of health and safe co-relational wealth,
empathically and deeply nondual attends,
sitting within LoseLose competitive decomposition, 
as therapeutically necessary,
to engage our shared BusinessAsUsual predative mind
victimized body
blame/shame retributively punishing monoculture

Dis-assembling each dominating seasonal stage
of LeftEgo's struggle with RightEco's Present CoPresence 
Love of Harmonic Truth/TrustBalance,
CoEmpathic Symmetry
Septum DiPolar
[is not septic bipolar] 
Yang/Yin Dynamics 
of Crown/Root
inhealing/exhailing Mind/Body
nurturing bicameral 
deeply co-empathic breath.