Brendan Ain'T Able
Brendan ain’t ‘Able’
The teacher preached that we are all ‘different but similar and
love should prevail’ as the ruler came down in seven lashes
on the bare bottom in mathematical precision and so the pattern
was formed in bright red strikes and strides for creativity shelled
Two canes plus three canes had equalled one cane for Brendan lost in
the world of artistry fantasy mild mellowed dreams anticipation of
cruelty abandoned for a more equal world of compassion and kindness
Diversity does not mean we all have to die by the hand of the sword
But the ground rules were laid the nucleus centred the core enshrined
on the altar of learning of fear and conditioning the human condition
Surely Cain had been forgiven while Brendan was not just so able
What a premise to believe all need to be governed by rules and by fear
Brendan himself became governor received medals and glory on the
killing fields of purple hearts while his rainbow receded smouldered
in ashes and blood scripted the fiction that wars must be waged on
others infidels and the weak and the meek who simply don’t learn
Anarchy has been misunderstood for the chaos projected bedevilled
by the teachers and soldiers whose bayonet is the ruler the wooden
spoon for the worst form of governance inflicted by the concept that
we as the people and People could never know best are derided as sheep
Who says it is utopia that we cannot govern ourselves one step at the time
inch by inch like the face on the weapon that had patterned his cheeks
‘Rule thyself not thy neighbour’ let us stand up and rebel oppose the
dominion of dominant forces overthrow the rule and the ruler and live
10th March 2017