Love Poem: Brightest Son
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Brightest Son

2 Kings 6:17 (KJV) “And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

Darkness attacks through grief and despair,
Through spiritual battles, when the heart doubts,
When the light flashes, then sputters out,
When life is like a rambling rose, beautiful but full of thorns,
When fear attacks – quick and strong, leaving panic,
So much alarm, worry that lingers on and on…

Shadows prepare the feelings to bleed tragedy,
Through the heart who is filled with disbelief,
Through the soul who is ruined by catastrophe,
Through the spirit who is sentenced to calamity.

Shadows feed on the light who shines so bright,
The light who embraces those who believe,
The light who quenches the thirst, the need
For a union of gentleness and unending peace,
A union of joy and faith that forever believes,
A union of grace that never fails to succeed…

Shadows silence the one who longs to reach beneath…
The darkness of despair, the worries that just don’t care,
The feelings that bleed through the troubles and disasters,
The feelings that lead to the soul’s doom in the hereafter,
The feelings that can only be fought with prayer and praise,
The feelings that grow larger if you don’t have any faith.

Like the shadows – like the night’s darkness
And there, beneath the curtain, concealed so we don’t see…
All the warriors, the strongest angels, surrounding souls,
So we never need to fear – we only need to believe
The battle doesn’t go to the strongest warrior or the fiercest soldier…

The battle is won by the heart who holds onto…
	Jesus’ hand, Jesus’ garment, Jesus’ promise –
		He will always stand with us, forever revealing…		
			Our most powerful weapons…

Faith, hope and love – grace sent from God above…
	More gentle than a dove – His power, His sovereignty 
		Comes from the knowing – His light is glowing, He’s showing – every heart, each soul…

The reason the battle is won – isn’t physical or carnal.
	It is the unending authority of One whose light is love,
		One who is brighter than the sun,
			Because He is the brightest Son!