Love Poem: Broken
Frank Mashina Avatar
Written by: Frank Mashina


                        I thought  
                      love could mend,  
                   a gentle hand to guide,  
                 but I stand here shattered,  
                pieces scattered, lost inside.  
                 My heart once held hope,  
                   now echoes of silence,  
                     memories haunting me,  
                       drowning in darkness,  
                         I reach for a light,  
                          but grasp only  
                          shadows of what  
                            could have been.  
                            The weight of  
                           sorrow, heavy,  
                         pulls me down deeper,  
                       each breath a reminder  
                     of love that slipped away,  
                    leaving me cold and bare,  
                   a hollow shell of the woman  
                 I used to be, seeking warmth,  
                yearning for connection, but now  
              just fragments of dreams, scattered,  
              lost in the void, where once was  
              hope, now only emptiness remains.  
               Oh, will I ever be whole  
                again? Will love find  
                  me in this pain?  
                          My legs  
                         tremble with  
                        the weight of  
                      memories, aching  
                     for strength to rise,  
                   but fear keeps me anchored  
                  in a world where love feels lost.  
                I long to break free from this cage,  
              to reclaim the heart that once beat  
             with passion and fire, to stand tall  
           and proud, a woman reborn from the  
          ashes, embracing the light once more,  
        reaching out to touch the warmth of love,  
       to fill the void that lingers deep within,  
       to be whole again, a spirit unbroken,  
        rising, soaring, embracing all that  
         life has to offer, fearless and free.