My heart is so broken
It's tearing me up inside
With all this distance between us
I feel so far apart and un-twined
We are not as we should be
There is just too much space
How can we have the closeness
We did way back in the day
I lay in my bed and think about you
I love you so much I don't know what to do
I feel your warmth at my side
The pain In my heart moves to my eyes
So far away yet always so near
You are the reason I am still here
With every breath that I take
Every beat of my heart
I never want to be apart
I Waite and wish for it to be just me and you
I tried so hard to like her
And still trying too
you have no idea but,
It's really hard to do
After being your only one for years
now I'm having to share you
Believing what you said to me years ago
That I was the only one for you
and you couldn't see your self with anyone else
And that you couldn't love anyone else
Has broken my heart in two
I feel like you let your self stop loving me
enough to love her
And now she fills my space
Where my heart used to go
All the times you thought of me
Is Now it's split in to two
There is not enough of just me and you
I crave the feelings of you wanting me so bad
But when your eyes look at me , they look so sad
Im trying to love you like I used to do
But when your loving some one else
It makes it hard to do
I'm not the only one anymore
And it tears me up inside
I feel like I'm dying
And won't wake up inside
I miss those day
When the love was so strong
I could feel you thinking of me
Even when your not around
Your eyes would undress me and you would smile at the thought
Now u just think I dress like a slut
Is there something I can do to get that feeling back
The feeling of you wanting me
So damn bad
I'm longing for your lust
I'm addicted to your touch
for the day when you tell me I'm the one.
I love you , I always will
My heart is for ever yours
Please be kind to It and keep it safe and warm