Broken Halo
Didn’t know a HALO could be broken
Didn’t know that with her words spoken
My shirt would be soaked with
The tears of a thousand angels
I’ve lost my angel
But I refuse to beg you to stay
I refuse to beg you to take back that day
That you succeeded in breaking my heart
That you ripped apart
The content of a lonely heart
That willed for you
A man that shakes breaks and aches for you
How can you just walk away
What have I done to make you not want to stay
What makes you want to flee
From the things we tried to do as WE
It’s a time for you to reflect on ME
But don’t expect me to sit here and wait
On the date when you feel like you’re ready for this
How can you sit here and tell my heart it has to miss
Tell my lips they can no longer wish for your kiss
I’d wish for broken notes of your half smiles
I’d wish for piles of arguments and fights
I’d wish for cold lonely nights
Cause you took all the blankets
Now the broken pieces
Of a broken halo
A broken promise
Of two broken hearts
Broken halves now have to part
Broken up souls now have to start
Broken worlds spinning apart