Broken Road Led Me To Ife
She was the broken road
that led me straight to you.
Laurel Baltimore rave about this road
like a lullaby, country music or an ode;
Smooth-sailing, beautifully appealing,
Firmly charming, endowed & stunning;
Credibly accepted and reverend,
She's the road I thought has no end,
The wise road endorsed by my family,
hoping me and her would live happily,
even the heavens didn't stop me
from threading this road for free,
Wind of confirmations breezed in
from all & sundry,
Our paths crossed, progressively but not in a hurry.
The words of wisdom offered me Wisdom
but verily verily Wisdom will fail you
where Ife (Love) wouldn't but lift you.
She is the broken road that left her toil,
abandoned her garden, cut short her own joy,
Spill her own alabaster box of oil
and wasted her sweat on the cushion of my heart,
even though she played her part
but never staying to enjoy her labour
and witness the edifice of God's favor.
She is the broken road that broke up from me,
But I'd be far gone with Ife (Love) when she can finally see.
God bless the broken road
that led me straight to you.
Equation solved: broken road sums-up my Ex
but thank God, Love, you're my next,
my forever & ever when & wherever;
Yes, I am not the blossoming best lover
but I will be your best-ever-after forever.
You came to me after the road of recovery
all b'cos of Ifeoluwa toh koja oye
(Love of God that passes all understanding).
God bless the broken road
that led me straight to you.
Vick Manuel Poetry {VMP}
Copyright© 31st Jan. - 14th Feb, 2021.