Brother Sister Groninger
Brother & Sister Groninger
Tom Wright
It wasn't,
by mere happenstance we met.
Or by odd chance,
our friendship grew.
But for selfish reasons did we huddle
as close as we dared get.
Gleaning pearls of wisdom
from the two.
We saw in them,
those things we cherished most;
And always with each calling
were made to feel at ease.
Not beheld as wayfarers,
nor they, as hostess and host;
Then always upon our exit, their hug,
her buss upon the cheek and "come again please".
If insignificant things were done,
oft as a task, they'd see.
Rarely, if ever, realizing,
that their giving was much more.
Adult education per se,
without books, tuition, or exams, but free.
From our two smiling friends,
each time our knuckles found their door.
Now alongside, again, they lie,
'mongst configurations of chiseled stone.
Spirits, since ushered to their reward,
as it will be for all one day.
But from their lives, "Snow Angels" were left,
not for family alone.
For God saw that we had need of these tracks,
as memories, to assist us in our way.