Brotherly Love
Everyone had a sister or brother
The forever faithful friend
Who shares your heart and blood
Your hopes and dreams
Even your thoughts!
Except me
There would be no sibling for me
No familial relation to hold
To follow around or feel
Tagging at my barefoot heals
There would never be the sounds
Of laughter and love
Beneath cotton sheets
Covering smiles and giggles
From two who were the best friends
God could have gifted you with
Everyone else had a sister or brother
A friend for life who one couldn’t resist
Teasing and tempting to listen
To those silly stories and lively dreams
Even though you knew, in all truth, you were being
Ridiculous to even think such things
There would be no trailing limbs
Following behind me with hopes of keeping
Pace with the older, more sophisticated
Sibling – the one who knew things
That they didn’t… things like how to
Talk mom and dad into gadgets that required
Nagging and pleading, tormenting until
The thing was won and there was victory sung
On the hearts of this child who had begged
For the last ice cream or that special movie
Some video game that was a bit violent
Possibly, for some simplicity like staying up late
Or spending the morning sleeping in
Without the hassle of waking for breakfast
Or maybe a breakfast of chocolate chip cookies
Instead of milk and cereal rich in nutrition
Everyone had someone to talk to at home
Someone like them… a child who would listen
With the assurance that they understood
Much better than the adults ever could
Everyone but me, the only child, the silent
Thought of longing with a hunger that could
Only be inspired by a heart who desperately
Wanted a sibling, another heart to listen
Another soul to whisper gentle hope to
Someone who would be a best friend
A kindness that is whispered in prayers
A feeling of light radiating all around
Filling the eyes with twinkles that abound
In love and laughter, a sense of adoration
That comes to those who see that God
Has given the greatest dream to those
Who hold the key to happiness in the hand
Of a soul who is their relation and friend
The one who will always be there to say
“you’re a wish that I wished and a prayer
That I prayed… you are the gift of love
That God sent down from heaven above”
I missed out on this delicious treat
And feel a little sad when I see someone else
Take for granted that beautiful bond
Between brother and sister – sweet, brotherly love…
Sent to sweeten life with a hint of brilliance
That comes to life on the heart of those who believe
God gave us more than a sibling when He blessed us
With the gift of a friend who would last forever!