Building a Greater America
When I value your free speech as much as my own, regardless of its accent, dissent, pitch, or its tone;
When everyone born on American soil becomes an heir, and every legalized foreigner works to earn his fair share;
When the life of the helpless unborn is loved and treasured; When the innocent and silent little ones are protected and secured;
When "You and Yours" become transformed into "We and Ours"; When the words "We the people" recorded by the founding fathers
become more than an intent and an ideal for some, but a quest for all; When the life of every American soldier is honored at home and abroad;
When the life of the richest Americans at the top is no more valuable than the poorest Americans, homeless and hungry at the bottom;
When the pursuit of happiness is not defined by pride of possessions; When happiness becomes synonymous to pursuing God and loving people;
When these '10 Whens' and more become commonplace in America, we can be sure that indeed, we are building an even Greater America.
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