Love Poem: Bullet of Love
Sukmawati Komala Avatar
Written by: Sukmawati Komala

Bullet of Love

You and I
We are not regular shooters
but snipers
each shot
hit hearts and minds

We are not shooters who shot for a fee or hatred
are not hired shooters  either
but voluntary shooters

We don’t use regular bullets
But the incredible bullets
Not to kill
But to give a  new life

Poet’s bullets
Are bullet’s of love
Which caliber  is more than everything
It’s power broke the gravestone 
Of  hearts and minds
To  turn on breath
and destroy the cancer of despair

Perhaps I'm not your target
You're not mine
but we are equally
missed those shots

bullet of love
re instill the spirit which died prematurely

bullets of love
revived our live

~ (c) Sukmawati Komala ~
24 June 2013