Burning Question
I have written of love and romance someone
passed a comment about being careful of
false idols. This left burning questions within
the mind and heart. Golden crucifixes, ornate
statues, papal rings to be kissed are not these
false idols, paintings adorn the walls, robes of
elegance are worn for what purpose. Even the
so called father of the church held in the respect
of being no mortal man, to which he surely is.
Why are woman forbidden to preach the word
of the lord when in the past so many have and
been sainted for it, it is not man's given right
to put himself above all others. This church
keeper of the ten commandments, throughout
histories pages has broken everyone of them,
persecution, torture, war, all heralded under
Gods name by the church. Secrecy within the
regime, the closed ranks of some papal inner
cell, what lurks, celibacy such an unnatural
form of life and living, how can a celibate
man preach to me on the everyday ups and
downs of married life when he has no real
experience. Where is the compassion and
humility in this church, the Lord gave words
to alleviate suffering, the churches laws on
contraception compound the misery of the
third world masses, with AIDS and over
population. It seems to me that through the
ages the church has lost it way, remember Jesus
died on a wooden cross for all mankind, all.
Please do not think of me has an unbeliever
for you would be so wrong, I live and love
the path of the Carpenters son, I still love his
word and his word was love.