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Walking along the waterside
One evening of a sunny Sunday
With a basket full of flowers
Into it fell a butterfly!
Fly! Fly! Away
Butterfly, you better fly
With your wings,
Full of beautiful colors
In my basket,
Though full of flowers
Is without nectar,
So butterfly, you better fly.
Walking along the waterside
One evening of a sunny Sunday
With a basket full of flowers
Into it fell a butterfly!
Fly! Fly! Away
Butterfly, you better fly
With your wings,
Full of beautiful colors
In my basket,
Though full of flowers
Is without nectar,
So butterfly, you better fly.
Walking along the waterside
One evening of a sunny Sunday
With a basket full of flowers
Into it fell a butterfly!
Fly! Fly! Away
Butterfly, you better fly
With your wings,
Full of beautiful colors
In my basket,
Though full of flowers
Is without nectar,
So butterfly, you better fly.
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