Love Poem: By Invite, Aquaintance
Titus Llewellyn Avatar
Written by: Titus Llewellyn

By Invite, Aquaintance

Confinements of thought have digested esteem
In a roving concern any fairytale can -
And it tells him for instance that this is no dream,
But a time spoke, Amera, was when it began. 

A knowing adventure where verse in formation  
Converge with precision exploring folklore,
The illusion equipped makes the fairy creation
Adorned to as pure by, nostalgia she wore.

While the aura surrounding the fondly unique,
Surmounts to a survey like day dreaming brings
I can feel the plethora that moves me to intrigue,
Endearment’s to wavering those beautiful wings. 

And to outstretch belief that the tangible bond
Is a day dream of plenty with integral wealth, 
Compared with the etchings from minds eye beyond,
Then the image quite clearly resembles that elf. 

How rhetoric spreads where prominence stands,
She’s an ideal replacement that no land can fill
And her place is reserved in a space that expands
To be duly acquainted with words she’d fulfil. 

While leaving unsolved to abscond as the others, 
She’ll weave a romance while the legend is warm
My believing her true, like those fantasy lovers,
Distinctive of traits do the dearest transform.

When completion is ready, the story exists,
As a Midsummer’s Dream in a moment to waste
Was expected to finish, instead found the mist-
Defining the treasure I found in my haste. 

There is love of a kind that explores the bereft,
And no story can tell whether legend or myth
Discovers that distance what eye sight is left,
I am blind, but my feelings are with you therewith.