Love Poem: Bye


I am going, leaving to another world, my old and new world
You are staying, enjoy here, and remember, time is not coming
Time is far and gone with him. Don’t keep me in your memory

Just keep this, “ In loving memory of our lives, the future”
Our future is far, it’s disintegrated in a space of infinity
Yes, say thanks to your sadistic psychologists, and don’t cry

Don’t cry and don’t be sorry, I am already far, my soul flies
He said, Goodbye, goodbye… Enjoy your psychologists, bye
I follow my soul, he is alone and searching for a new mate

A new mate, a soulmate, a lady, who will be a good playmate
A playmate in our life. I will love her, the same as you or more
Bye, I am gone intelligently, sensitively, and elegantly. Bye.