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Written by: Trudy Schrader


The chord wrapped around his neck
As he was unwilling to pay the penalty of the law
Why should he bow his knee to derelicts
When he had preached against the sin of the fall

She came in looking all cute and coy
She's a girl, I'm a boy...a very little boy
We'll play a game in secret and feel connected
I'll tell her life will be destroyed if "IT" is unprotected

What a wonderful WORD to deliver to the hopeless
Spiritual leadership has the highest protection
When the flesh ROARS at little girls and boys
They cover "the fall" from open detection

Denial is a weapon against ignorant liars
Rushing around, stirring up blazing fires
The institution must survive all attacks
Lest our deceptive nation show what it lacks


For those who are called to walk in LOVE
Caesar's due must be paid, first
Drunkards, Harlots, Murderers and Thieves
In prison, while predators give drink to those who thirst

But the one who bore all the guilt and shame
Hung on a Cross, innocent, without blame
Humility will come, unbidden, without recourse
The heart will submit or harden without remorse the balance....

Written by Trudy Schrader on 06-28-2024