Love Poem: Call Him Mine

Call Him Mine

Checking for the green light
The numbers keep appearing
The feverish message
Words of affirmation
The cards of tarot
Flipping in the candlelight
To put my
Assumptions true
Keeping my doubts
Tightly around me
The dark ribbons tied to my wrists
My pale skin hasn’t
Lived in the life of the sun this year
Replaying the video clips
Of the summer past
Making them live and last
In my head
Torturous yet pleasant
Letting my imagination run wild
Loose like the growing wilderness
Of the jungle I’m living in 
But that is just my style
Living in the photographs
That captured the brightest moments
That I can’t even find on my phone
The words whispered in confidence
Which are kept in remembrance
In the dim red light
The stories I’ve lived that
I never put down to paper
They stack up
Waiting to be told like
The angel and devil undercover
Jailed in a claustrophobic dystopia
Only to find
Yellow diamonds in the night
In the darkest of places
The fallen angel
The devil that was too kind
His eyes of moonlight shine
Her dark raven of hair
Of soft loving gestures exchanged
My kiss on the back of his hand
His hands around my waist
The intensity of his eyes
Stuck in my mind
No option
I lay awake in my bed
To only rise to the
Same scenery standing still in front of me
Leaving me to only wishing to
See those eyes again
Never knowing when
The sound of realization setting in
I never got to call him mine
And I his