Love Poem: Call Me Home

Call Me Home

You are the river running through 
unfathomable greens
glassy yellows 
down in the core of the river
flicker lightness on top
You increase me…swell me…impregnate without word or deed
push me to the fore till my sail fills with your carbon 
a deep blue undertow …rip tidian 
only moderate and full…like a plate of food...of vegetables …of fruit…of corn
You are the dark brown peat from which I absorb minerals 
vitamins … steel ...magnesium…sulfate
the pillow of my essence’s rest in your name …hurricane 
You fall on me
Wash off delusion
And I am a small green thing …a fine rooted thing 
Small leaves of me stretch for your chloroformian shadows
My roots dig deep 
hear your drum beat in the equatorial regions of the flaming core
I bend around the rocks …look under ever beetle’s shimmering skin 

in all things you can be found
Amorous and craving …a magma surface of tension and sun
in tree tops …dark places 
in the dark alleys 
You are the blue jay…the cardinal but also the raven 
the oak knows you too well…the west wind too and swells up in my skirts…my cottons
my downy …my linen …my lead
you stand … your hands on your hips 
look out over the possibilities 
hungry for returns
I echo 
Light housing across ….a sound burst 
a wave in a vast universe of waves many 
too many waves

but you will hear me
Master of my heart 
lover of my flesh and bone…my fat thinness…my crispness…my luxury
You will hear …what no one else will ever know
and call it home