Love Poem: Calls My Name
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Written by: Beatrix Macabre

Calls My Name

The orb calls to me, beckons breast beat,
blood in veins permeates, face red with heat,
as I asphyxiate, am dominated, reach climax.

Each time lustful, more powerful, sensual.
I crave this fix, my only reason to exist,
addicted to what only it can give, aahhhh.

Run my hands across thy frame, caress bits,
bite lip, if it wants blood, blood darling dear gets.

Prowl the street cloaked temptress,
lady in the tattered azure dress,
lioness disguised broke innocent.

Stranger approaches flashes bill,
curl thy onyx lipstick, teeth glint,
looks like mama found her kill.

Lustfully signal follow, his pants out fill,
puppy panting as we arrive at house on hill.

Velvet lips embrace his, sinker hook and reel,
downstairs feet flutter, horn dog on my heels.

Stair steps slow when he sees my dark caster,
honey’s veins slither the man spins, foot patter.

Tentacles wrap, bind, whiplash backwards,
shrieks elevate, laced crackle of my laughter.

Appendages worm in orally, lurch, teeth shatter,
man’s skin sinks, bled, swiftly made gray plaster.

Husk flung, tentacles grant thy trophy, fly thigh,
moaning peels into the pale moonlit nigh sky.

Heaving, baby craves more, yes, I too my lovely,
scarlet I will bring you every night, to daylight,
just vow you will pleasure me, my crimson king.