Can God Find You Faithful
Can God Find You Faithful?
I once knew a man had made
up his mind.
He left his wife and children behind!
He met someone who “captured his heart.”
This was a deception
from the very start!
His wife gave God and their kids
her love and attention...
But her husband went
Into another direction!
They went to church...
And did their "Sunday best."
How could this
turn into such a mess?
Temptation can happen to anyone!.
Whether rich or poor.
Be careful what you allow to
enter your heart's door.
Regardless of whether you've been
married for a lot of years..."
One shameful act can bring
heartache and tears!
The love that’s been given...
Let no one take away!
No matter what others think...
Or what they might say.
Stay true to God! You'll be
glad you did!
His love and joy will bless you
each day you live!
Jesus will never forsake you!
Or leave you alone!
Allow HIM to bring peace and
restore your home!
By Jim Pemberton