Can Two People
Can Two People
Can You Image??
Two People Crossing Paths in Life, yet traveling through different situations, but ending up in the same places in life meeting as they intersect their minds on such different but yet same dimensions.
Can You Imagine how these two people Connect?
How they touch each other picking up each other's vibrations.....
Can You Imagine How He can feel her Femininity as He makes love to Her in His Masculinity. And the energy of loving each other, regardless of their past relationships, makes the times of their exchanging .... WHO THEY ARE.... so much more than just Sex but Connecting... Exchanging Moments of Energy taking them higher and higher of their Love.
Can You Imagine? Two People
Can Two People Love each other just as hard and so Loyal even though the Love they want so bad is just as Strong as the fear of being hurt, maybe disappointed... maybe just being left as empty as the one who looked you in the face and didn't even mean it.
As I reflect on some things I think of the question Can two people become one I'm reminded of Loving my damaged soul first, and begin repairing Myself while rebuilding the brokenness to bring wholeness so that the two shall become one and function. And walk together in Love.... Unconditional.... Undeserving... Me Loving in You and You Loving in Me. And Everything that makes us so different, but yet still the same....
Can Two People??