Can You Surrender To Love
Can you surrender to Love so complete
So utterly now sense slips into sleep
So quietly sane not caring for thought
Be free of minds grip and all it has wrought
Can you silence beliefs, desires and dreams,
All fears and doubts that continue to ream
And fall within to be consumed by Love
To share Nature's gifts and fly with the dove.
Can you surrender to Love past will be
No longer controlling of you and me
No future to worry leave at time’s gate
To exist in this moment, life’s estate.
Will you surrender to love so to set
Your beloved free right from the get
No more shackles or bonds, human and whole
Dancing with Life and melodic with soul.
Will you settle free of anger and blame
Tribe and nation or religion and shame
Freeing our children from all the above
They are all our children, free them to Love.
Will you surrender to love seize the key
The key you were born with for us to be
Our own True self spirit body and mind
The resonance that holds for all mankind.
When you surrender to Love, to be still
No puppet to ego nor grist for mill
To see your life’s stories and all of that
To love them the same, they are your begat.
When veils fall swiftly and grace gives birth
Clarity is yours and you will rock with mirth
For Love abounds and is not tied to worth
Instead flowing open inclusive of Earth.
When you surrender to Love you will find
Astonishment there in a peace sublime
For all that is ever was and will be
You hold in your heart so simply be thee.