Love Poem: candlelit room

candlelit room

in my candlelit room I am in a meditation and total withdrawal
and I am travelling back, back, back in time with a sad sigh
I know what comes next and I want to weep with love
my dress a cloud of red chiffon flowing, flowing
you whisper I love you and I turn the page
back, back, I turn back the pages, pages
we swirl twirling and dipping perfectly
and my red chiffon dress is beautiful 
kiss me is your whisper as we dance
your strong arms holding me tight
we are spinning, spinning
the music roaring loudly
  and you are fading
      our hands slipping
          then our fingertips
              and still we are spinning
                 until you are gone and I am alone
                            yet the music goes on and on

and in my candlelit room, I take a deep breath . . .