Candy and a Mother's Love
A Mother's love
knows no bounds...
And, like candy,
is very sweet...
She'll risk her life,
for her offspring
She'll fight with
tooth and nail...
Her brood is
her essence,
Or so I have heard,
You daren't touch
or harm them,
Or say a nasty word...
Candy is nice,
I have no sweet-tooth,
But Sees Candy
of San Francisco
is unique
They have in some malls,
Their little candy boutique
My mother cherished
her Sees Candy
It was her only vice,
And if I tried to try one,
She'd give me this advice;
"Touch my "Sees"
I'll break your arm,
Those are but for me..."
I was aghast to hear this,
A side I'd yet to see...
So let this be a lesson,
Motherly Love
Has it's limits too...
And Sees Candy
Brings them out...
Just to forewarn you.