Love Poem: Captain Nate Part 1
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Written by: Bryan Norton

Captain Nate Part 1

Aye, aye! Said the Captain, who spoke on his date, 
He spoke on his date to his very first mate, 
His very first mate, the lady Miss Tate, 
The very first lady to say he was great! 

Yes, yes, my dear Captain, whose first name is Nate, 
Yes, yes, to the fact that I like my first date! 

Aye, aye, my dear lady, whose first name is Kate, 
Aye, aye, to the fact that I like my first mate! 

Yes, yes, my dear Captain, 
Yes, yes, to your fame, 
But what is your fame with a missing last name? 

Aye, aye, my dear lady, 
Aye, aye, to my fame, 
But few pirates know that I have a last name! 

Yes, yes, my dear Captain, 
Yes, yes, my dear Nate, 
Yes, yes, to the name that is key to your fate, 
Your last name is mighty, your last name is great, 
But what is the name we should put on your plate? 

The Captain then muttered, 
He stuttered to state, 
He stuttered to state that his last name was great, 

O how can I state that my last name is great, 
O how can I lead when they laugh at my plate, 
O how can I ask you to finish this date, 
O please won't you tell me, 
O please tell me Kate! 

My dear pirate Captain, I hear what you state, 
I hear what you state when you speak on our date, 
I'm glad that you chose me to be your first mate, 
But now you must trust me to finish your plate! 

Aye, aye, said the Captain, 
Yes, yes, said Miss Tate, 
Wee, wee, said the monkey, that sat on his plate.

The name that you seek, 
The name that I leak, 
The name that I blame when you call me a freak, 




That's right... Mooney.

Well, let's get hitched, 
And you can be my honey, Mooney.

But what will I say to the rest of the crew, 
When the boys laugh at me, will I know what to do, 
Will I wear a new wig, 
Will I dance a new jig, 
When the boys laugh at me, 
Will I seem just as big? 

Will I yi, yi, yi...

Learn how to dance in a state of romance, 
Will I newly discover what lover's call "chance, "
Will I reach for the sky, 
With a patch on my eye, 
And a peg for a leg, 
That is ready to die? 

Will I leap on the deck of a close-passing ship, 
Will I kiss my old man without giving him lip, 
Will I jump overboard, 
With a bloodthirsty hoard, 
For a fight with a fish, 
With a bill like a sword? 

Will I plunder a ship wearing bright pirate pink, 
Will I drop off a plank when I'm ready to sink, 
Will I parry in jest, 
Will I bury my chest, 
Will I marry a lady
Who thinks I'm a pest! 

Will I leap to discover that men really fly, 
Will I stink like a fish that is ready to fry, 
Will I...

My dear Captain Mooney, 
I knew you were loony, 
A little bit crazy, 
But not so balloony! 

But darling, whatever shall we do? 


Ladies and gentlemen, 

The Captain would like you to rise in a Mutiny, 
A Mutiny is key to his fate, 
So think of today when you think of your Captain, 
Tomorrow will be a Miss Tate!