Cart Blanche Aldi Time - Part I
Joyous rapture awoke sleeping animalistic giant:
carnal, feral, gonadal horniness in deed, when defiant
this primate crossed figurative
paths with a stunning woman
older than a spring chicken freed
via ma hen nah paws van
jealous (of casual suitors),
when I figuratively crossed urban
paths with delectable dame.
This hedonistic mwm veritable tan
tin nab buell lay shun caged in rein
mister experienced euphoric San
ta Claus gifted encounter merely
approached a female stranger ran
king as absolutely beautiful asper
Samson recounted Delilah, Qan
i.e. qualification assurance notification
within this poetic blurb. Pan
dum money yum (does not come close)
upon entering a nan
oh meter times a gazillion equals
scope of super sized ALDI's, every man
woman, and child could be housed.
This supermarket (anchored lan
did at one end of a string of bungle
low slung businesses conveniently kan
struck ted adjacent to popular stores,
which aligned buildings a haven come Jan
ewe weary, these newly constructed
bricks and mortal portals along Ian
eyesed, seen as primary corridor
i.e. Ridge Pike (linkedin with Han
sill and Gretel recently rural gingerbread
cookie cutter communities). Gan
a mead by Jove, said affordably priced
food store noticed as a fan
tass tick location along the driver side
heading towards Limerick, ean
at dark hours within Pennsylvania).
This patron (me) of aforementioned Dan
dee nofrills modestly priced franchise
espied an available card soon after Can
Nudda entered this outsize place
to buy groceries. Another shopper (a bon ban
Joe plucky strung string apetite
slip sans attractive gracefully aged gal) anan