Love Poem: Catfishing
Sheila  Van Zant Avatar
Written by: Sheila Van Zant


I've never had a one-night stand, with me it always was the family plan; I thought I found Mr. Right seems I only saw him with blind eyes. Faithful till the day I die Yet he has a wandering eye Pay for things he never does Wonder why I bear a grudge Craigslist is his favorite repast He is forever chasing *Bass See this, yes, I know he will Yet I still foot the bill Why does it seem all men lie I just want to lie down and die No Homer Simpson you would meet if you wanted to be with me Sometimes nymph no s**t or *Bore Why would he be seeking more? Promises broke he loves no one Wonder why I have no fun Rules he makes but does not follow This seemingly makes him very shallow Tell me now why this shouldn't end. Why do you still pretend my friend? Maybe I should follow your lead? and see what reading Craigslist will seed (100's of replies latter; amend and recast) I am aghast I must amend I have no thoughts of revenge This ditty may become the final straw Defeated and broke he'll tell to all What's good for the goose is good for the gander Surprise goose, gander is making a stand here What prompted this one to speak Deceit hypocrisy of which he reeked I told you before I have been true Can you say the same thing too? My plight you see is not easy I wish I was not so pretty Lust is a game I do not trust Most would say they like its rush The seed is sown the rhyme will soon end At start - this time see true my friend (100's more reply; recast) I find this awkward without a doubt Last recourse for me to reach out To the man, I hoped was true Before I smiled now I'm blue The man I thought was right for me flips Jekyll and Hyde then Mr. Green Jeans Stop searching for what you see on a screen Reality differs you've broken my dreams If you had only eyes just for me Then this writing you never would read Happiness found and then you would see That you are the only man that I need WRITTEN FOR A FRIEND IN NEED