Love Poem: Ceiling Shadows
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Written by: Barbara Peckham

Ceiling Shadows

Two mismatched shoes lie
under the couch and one
behind the mahogany chair. 
One seems to be missing.

There are a watch and a phone
along with a pair of earrings
on the table beside the chair
and various items of clothing
here and there on the carpet.

A couple lies somewhat 
tangled in the midst of all,
looking up and talking about
shadows of the fan on the ceiling
and hugging and laughing.

Two people close and happy.
Now imagine who they are.
Twenty- or thirty somethings? 
Even forties maybe?

But no. They are late eighties
and early nineties, rediscovering
a portion of their youth that is
wondrously sweeter and more 
precious at this time of life.