Love Poem: Change To Gain Our Best Framed
CayCay Jennings Avatar
Written by: CayCay Jennings

Change To Gain Our Best Framed

Once, while breathing an ideal moon's prime appeal,

my heart infused with long rained hues of feel for you.

Soon came sore blue and white joy reels of love we knew.

I night aimed blues to vamoose with my amen's seal

that I might heel from all your trashing of our two.

You said a visit insisting time would pass swift

then changed intent into a permanent move claimed.

Your words sifted my heart twists through despairs blitz drifts

but I rose unashamed of gaining scars thus maimed.

Stars adrift that night's moon brightened me with blazed gift

kisses that tame changed my pain to gain our best framed.

... CayCay
February 19, 2020
written for a contest