Love Poem: Chapter 159-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Festive Family Time - same day

Chapter 159-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Festive Family Time - same day

Date:  June  2051

Damian returned to buoyant activities 
Out to the front when he saw Ras Madan 
Approaching happily straight to
Damian. Damian was thinking 
"Waa well I just wanted the family 
That lived here."  He Thought Ras
Read his thoughts when he said,
"Damian! I just moved here I'm close
By too cousin! How's life...with three
Wives!"  He held three fingers up
To Damian's face to show Damian 
He remembered the magic number.
Damian laughed, "haha! Hey Ras!
He Tapped his young cousin's back.
"Relax man! ahaha! How you DO?
RAS MADAN!"  Ras replied, "Ooh heay
Heayha!" His laugh? "I do alright Damian". It's the
Thing to be the husband to three
Wives!  Damian held up three fingers
Joking on Ras. Watching his younger
Cousin's expression. "Aah yeah! THREE!
Molly Dolly watch his vitality while
They helped Ma Daughtry and 
Ma Lucinda set food on tables. 
Crysteph's (aka Najaf) wife Rijiha
(Riji) assisted until nearly most 
Arrangements were in order. Relatives 
Began arriving. Amadeus DJ with
Rest of the older kids from across
The street also made their presence 
Known including AJ Amadeus's son,
Amadeus Junior. Mama Lucinda 
Saw them and immediately came
And embraced the baby AJ.
"Hey Mama Lu." Amadeus Quipped
"Yeaaah ha you haven't seen since
A while now Ma yesterday!" 
She gave Amadeus a playful punch
"Hush your noise sonny!"  She
Whisked the 2 years-old away.

Damian's brothers and their families:
CJ 54 years and wife Amaliah 46 years-old 
Sons- Damali 24 years 
Ricky 22  Julian 19  Jafar 15
Youngster 4 years old Jaguar 
Daughters -- Cara Dena 17 
Tiffan 22 years-old 

Julius 52 wife Asarah 47 years-old 
Sons-- Nyaf 24  Mikiel 20  (Nahdi) Nyhadin 22
Lexington  Samal 18  Tanaka (Tank) 21

Jackson 46 wife Madalise 42
Sons- Rico Tahi 23  Constantino (Tino) 21
Adawa Laish 19
Daughters-- Meshada 18
Abeliah 16

Franky- Joe 43 wife Adyah 37
Sons-- Ashwah 20
Binaries  16 
Daughter  Derah 18

Crysteph 43 wife Rijiah 43 (Riji)
Sons-- Sederas 20 years-old 
Syris 18
Daughter-- Dijah 21

Sidney 42  wife Saderi 40
Sons-- Holikiah (Hoki) 21
Benawi  18 
Twin Daughters  Sedanah  and
Myselah  20

Adonis 38  wife  Nyhifa 38
Sons  Sabian  18
Jahali. 16
Daughter  Nylah  13

Kyon  36  wife  Azari-Telene  34
Sons  Mahaf  14 
Anuji-Rodian  11

Damians sister 
Manisha 48  husband Lethni
Sons Nahim  20
  Kagen  14
Daughters  Janifah (Jani)
Lettique  (Letti)

Salis  45  husband  Abenu Hakim 48
Son  Denakim  21
Daughters  Demilah  19
Nachina  17
Kerala. 15

Now half an hour later a limo drove
Onto the drive way. Damian frowned
It wasn't familiar everybody stood 
Patiently eager to see who would 
Emerge from the Rolls-Royce. 
A man disengaged first. They didn't 
Recognize him immediately. Then
Damian connected and trotted for
The man with the light brown dreads.
"Whaat man how you been! Aah!
Bout time you got in!"  Then Damian 
Felt somebody poke him. He turned
To see her familiar hazel eyes like
His own. "Desiree! Cuzn how have
You been keepin' . Now they were
Being watch with caution. Molly and
Dolly eyes became daggers. They
Looked to each other then chuckled
"Well they are family. And Jason's 
Your ex!"  Now Holly was bold and
Started walking toward the celebratory 
Cousins. Dolly pulled her twin come
On Molly let's keep miss danger out
Of trouble." Jason  slid back to
The new nexus Rolls-Royce saying 
"Hey best friend I want you to introduce 
You to your three young cousins..
He reached for the car door but
It slid open as though automatically 
And a youngster emerged. Jason
Exclaimed, "Doji! Meet your cousin
Damian."  Damian greeted him 
Squeezing his shoulder. Dolly guessed
His age age to be no more than 9.
"Hey Doji why don't you take a walk
Around and find your many cousins
I'm sure they'd love to meet you."
Doji was glad to search he was a out
To spring off with juvenile jubilation 
But Desiree said, "Wait for Mahaj
And  NaAli."  Doji relaxed and waited
Restless with excitement. Then his
Brother Mahaj and sister NaAli were
ready to sprint. Damian said 
"Yeah I know their names let em loose!"
"Run!" Desiree ordered. The three kids
Raced away to their youthful meet
And greet. Damian and the three
Wives were generous with compliments.
"You've made yourself a gorgeous 
Home." Damian dished. Dolly said
"Yes the litte girl is your twin!" 
Holly and Molly said, "Yes she is 
With repeated commitment.  
Damian led everybody to two
Tables. "You always did the big
Time man!" I love the the extravagance."
Jason complimented. Music was
On. The women were drifting toward
The mansion. Preparing for a game
In the cool spacious pool room 
While the kids found another
 type of pool.