Love Poem: Chapter 162-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: FamilY ActiVitIeS 2


Date:   July  2051

11 morning time. Party plans in demand 
Molly and Dolly birthday was soon to be.
Holly Molly and Dolly was ambitiously 
Planning all upcoming birthdays.
Every adult convened in the dining room.
CJ  Amaliah were also attending. Ma Lucinda
And Father Hakim were visiting 
Lucinda's family. In another community.
"Okay listen"  Dolly called their 
Attention. "We'll be celebrating some
Birthdays this month, aabout  5
I believe and plus some passed
Birthdays we don't want to exclude
Any of us. Do we? Now we plan 
People."  Holly volunteered her will.
"Isiah Birthday is soon too. Will we
Use the pool for you and Molly
Celebration? it's still hot out."  
"Yeah uhah. We will. And we'll be just
A little bit older." Saderi chimed in
"How MUCH oldor?" Dolly said, 
"Don't worryabout small things. Sugar."
Molly asked, "and exactly whats
Your number, deary Saderi?" Holly joined
Her three person entourage. "Yesss uhah.
Tell me. Whisper in my right ear
Im a bit deaf in my wrong ear. Uhuh."
Saderi huff up. "I am disturbed by
Your questioning! Iand i adked you
First!" And sasshayed away to stand
Beside Amaliah. The whole family 
Collapsed with hysterical laughter.
Holly said, "and I wish you both a joyous 
birthday. Let's get to planning!"  Damian 
Assured we'll have the usual crew
Here, crowded throughout the place."
He stood in the open area between 
The massive living and dining room.
Explaining as he spread his arms
 defining the party area. Sidney remarked 
"Damian I think it's time we both trimmed
The fur man. Just an observation."
Damian said, "I'll address that when 
It actually matters Sidney!" Molly said 
"I kinda adore his overgrown goatie."
Dolly tapped Sidney's arm, "Yeah,
We wives love that overgrown FUR!
That's a big bear!"  Amaliah was
In full spasmodic laughter as she
Held her belly. "Yeah, Sidney hunkho
He looks good though, I. I don't see
A problem....they all eyed her suspiciously.
Molly broke the dead air saying,
The PLAN is!" Sidney swung, 
"Alright NOW those are the basics
Let's get the party garbage! Whatcha
Say say what you said!"  Damian said,
"Alright Sid relax man. In addition 
To these big rooms we will also use
The pool game room. Keep the front
Doors open and family will be in
And out with pleasure." Dolly complimented
"That's a perfect plan babe." Damian 
Tapped his chest adding to her 
Compliment. "Yeah mighty good
Excellent."  The work men were
Completing their day's work. Hammering 
And banging etcetera. STOPPED.
The two men walked to the front door.
Damian met them. "Thanks for the
Day Chafi,  and your cousin Niko right?" 
Asked, pointing to the smaller man." He firmly 
Gripped both men's hand. They both 
Nodded with a confirmed "yes"  Damian 
Reminded  "Be here
Tomorrow. Same time."  Sidney asked,
"Need to complete that big pillar first
Right?" Damian replied, "Yeah that'll 
Be about less than two weeks."

Next 3 days: 

"Alright my People let's say we get
The set-up."  Dolly suggested "Molly we
Should help with the setup while Holly tended to
The babies keeping the calm and Saderi
Assisted her as well. "Look at those
Speakers at the doorway Molly, Damian?
Every single time we throw a shing ding
The man assures the whole world 
We are actually trying our best to
Bring heaven crashing down on earth!"
"Uugh! Damian!"  Molly agreed. 
"The  LOUD!"  Then she thought
Of something she'd heard. Then
Damian loudened the volume.
Kagen Manisha Salis Jason and
Desiree were on time with their
Kids. Then more of Damian's brothers 
And their families plus Domonic Jawah 
Justin his girlfriend. Minutes from
Then every other family member 
Arrived as the crowd of family flooded
The exterior and the pool game room.
After Molly and Dolly were done helping 
With the ambiance they joined 
Sidney Saderi Damian Kyon and
Adonis to shot pool. Damian ordered.
"Rack 'em UP UP! Aallright!"  
Holly returned from the nursery with 
Saderi.  "Who's got game! Family!"
Standing just beyond the threshold 
Sassy sultry stunning she simmered 
Salaciously "Holly is heere!"