Love Poem: Chapter 162-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The family Activities

Chapter 162-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The family Activities

Date:  June  2051

Adian Elijah Abbas Ashton  and 
Addison observed the men working
On the Waterfalls and grotto. 
Elliott and Abbas were busy diving 
Into the pool. Damian was the 2nd
Level supervising the construction 
Of the passageway between his
And CJs mansions. "There's man,
I'd like this passage about 6 inches
Maybe 7 inches wider than my
Bedroom doorway. And the door
Should be controlled by the push
Of a button you have the technology 
Do you?" There's just nodded and
Smiled slightly, "Yes Mister Hakim
I have the know how I do the job.
I get the work done. Boss!" He had
A huge smile plastered cheek to 
Cheek. Damian bolstered, "Aah that's
What I pay for Theo good WORK GUY."
Damian tap his shoulder. I'll stop back
Before you leave. Alright?"  There's
Gave a thumb up.  Kids were in the
Pool game room tangling with food
Ball. Others were in various places.
Damian sought the nursery. Dolly
Was in the nursery with her twins
Damian Ajuni and Damian Anafi. 
Damian breached the calm. Approached
Stealthily, "Mmisses Me how do you
Baby? I want the truth."  His hand was
Beneath her blouse before she had
A chance to respond. She softly moaned
For a few seconds, "Rub my belly 
More then I'll tell you more my big
Pacifier." He was behind her and 
Bellowed with laughter. "Ah babe
You are quite creative!"  Anafi was
Climbing from the climb when Saderi 
Lingered at the threshold. "Aye you
Young lovers this ain't your bedroom!"
Now Holly invited herself  with sass
And her son 9 years-old Isiah. 
She was jovial smiling brightly.
Damian invaded her space as Isa
Slipped away to visit his triplet brothers 
Damian Jahani, Damian Benachi 
And Damian Devon-Sahi. Damian 
Asked how's my People while he
Embraced Her and tenderly messaged
Her 6 month old pregnant growing 
Belly. "I think They'll be ready any day
Now." Dolly responded, "Now, we
Know you're due when ever Damian
Permits!" The whole room lit up in 
Hails of laughter. Saderi asked,
"Have you named them yet?"  Holly
Asked, "Damian have we?"  Damian 
Said, "Nettalea and Abrini."  Holly
Nudged Damian, "Netta and Bri right?"
He announced, Netta and Bri for
Short. Due On my birth month!" 
Molly intruded, "I think we have a damn
Over population of August babies
Do you think Damian?!"  Damian 
Quipped, "hey don't ask me! I'm innocent!"
Damian Laughingly escaped the
Nursery. He went To Addition part
Of the house. "Hey Sidney! You Here
Man!"  No Sidney. "Aah VOYAGE!" the
Pool game room. Strolled into the
Huge room. "Hey wait! What you..."
The pool game room was packed 
With the seven plus Godfrey Shadir 
Barry Matthias Isa and Poncho.
Joshua snuck behind him. "Think
We have enough kids Dad? We could use
More."  They both chuckled. "They have every
Pool table  occupied!"  Damian turned 
And walked from the room as Joshua
Involved himself in the joys of
Affluent child's play. Damian stood 
Quietly on the porch watching the
Workers place the grotto. He felt
A hand on his Back. They'll be done
With that soon won't they?" Molly
Massaged his back. He kissed her
Hand, "I woul guess in about another 
Month or less my love. How do you
Feel? Are you happy?" She ruffled 
His beard. "I...I. yeah I'm happy Damian."
He kissed her forehead then passionately 
Dove into her neck, then emerged
For breath. "I'm glad to hear that
Misses Hakim."  She teased, "how
Glad Damian my lord?" He replied 
"Why..why do you tempt ME! Do you
Know where we ARE?!"  But he watched
Her still youthful physique when 
She explained, "Oh just feels away
From the bedroom Damian."  He was
Aroused, "I.  We should. Go."