Love Poem: Chapter 165--DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANYA: Damian Chases a milestone-- part II

Chapter 165--DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANYA: Damian Chases a milestone-- part II

Date:  August 10   2051

At the time Dolly Molly and Holly arrived at the restaurant most of the Hakims were there enjoying jazz melodies some relatives were on the second level l. Mama Lucinda was in the kitchen instructing and arguing with the chefs and kitchen staff. Her sister Lenae assisted her where she could and often discouraged her to no avail. CJ Julius Jackson had just arrived with Damian, Amadeus and Quads. The Triplets were in a following gold limousine.  "instyle!" Dolly thought. She motioned for Nattias to press the button to release the door. Music played on low volume as the lights grew dimmer.  Barry and Godfrey were first in sight to surprise Damian as he breached the threshold and everybody 
From the upper level watched as they all exclaimed "SURPRISE!" in unison. Damian
Faked shock, "aha I knew something 
Was in the works, I've been hearing
Whispers from you!" He pointed to
Dolly and Molly. "Haha! YOU KNOW
I DONT LIKE SURPRISES! I loathe them!"
Dolly sassyed up to him, "I'm sorry
Damian but I had help ha! My evil twin
And my best friend!" She pointed to
Holly on the other side of the large
Heavy smoked glass table where
She Damian and Molly sat. Damian 
Bellowed with characteristic laughter.
He watched watched the monitor
To see Cousin Dominic arriving with 
With his brothers and Uncle Preston 
With Preston Junior. Damian gasped,
"He's here?!"  Cousin Adriana was
Behind them with her daughter. 
Damian turned his attention to the
Door. The door slid open when Sidney 
Put pressure to the button. Uncle
Preston was first to enter. The 6' 8"
84 years old was distinguished
Dignified and a sight to behold with
Long thick mostly silver and Black
Kinky dreads reaching down his back. Damian 
Sþod to embrace his uncle as the music
Was turned low. "Damian! My son!  Good man.
Have NOT caught sight of you in a few ages"
Damian lead him to their table. "YEAH uncle
I've never been better. Just holding the family
Tight."  Preston's three wives introduced themselves.
"HI Damian I'm Nydiah. Preston's first wife."  She glanced
To where the other two wives were about to sit. 
He waved slightly and smiled noticing their chosen
Location near  his three wives. One of Preston's other wives 
Reached across the smoked thick glass table,
"Hello I'm Wadiki  your uncles second wife. And you're 
Damian? True? I've heard things about you."  Damian 
Asked, "What things have you heard?"  Wadiki said,
"Well small bits and notes like you have 3 wives too."
Damian chuckled,  "aah  yeah I do. In fact there they
Are beside you." With the ambiance mellow music dim
Lighting Damian was in excellent spirits in time for ma Lucinda 
To announce,  with a soft voice, "family, please I would like
Your attention to present my 50 year son your cousin nephew 
And brother Damian!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!"  The 
Staff bestowed the cuisines on 5 large decorative wagons.
 producing one at a time. "Damian stood as the huge
Cake was introduced. "Uh ooh Ma Family  yall THANK YOU
FAMILY I'm so.... I feel  so much love here to night he spanned the
Large area.  Dolly approached him first with a hug and kiss.
"Happy birthday. She whispered in his ear.. I love you baby." 
He tightened his embrace nearly  suffocating her. She gasped.
Damian looked to the upper level as joyous family pervaded
The atmosphere. He waved to cousin Ras Madan, peering
Over the golden colored banister with his brother and sister.
They yelled, "Happy birthday big cuz!"  He Bellowed back,
"Thanks  family!"  Then his kids surrounded him.  Damian Amadeus 
Was first. "Happy birthday dad. Love you dad. Live forever!"
Damian Junior was next. "Happy fifty daddea!"  Damian made an
About face and was smothered with Justin Jordan Godfrey 
Barrington and all the rest that had walking ability. Damian 
Interrupted their well wishing, "Wait, now where are my youngest 
Where are all those 7 twelve year Olds. Damians! Adain Ashton!"
Amari yelled,
"Dad have you seen the floor the fishes there right here!"
He pointed with both hands and an excited expression.
Damian replied, "YEAH man"  and shook his shoulder.
"There are fish beneath the floor."
Damian heard a husky
Voice say, "Happy birthday Dad. What you giving us for our
Birthday!"  Abbas's eyes gleamed aided by his bright smile.
Damian ruffled his hair, "aye youngster I gave you everything 
So far such as 12 years. Your own bank account...."  
The party raved on as more of Damian family wished him
Well. Including Jordan Justin CJ Jackson and Sidney.
Dolly Molly and Holly could not get within touching distance 
For most of the night.  Carter Hakim dedicated a song
To his son.  Damian lifted his champaign glass 
toasting him with a  non alcoholic 
Beverage. Uncle Preston tapped Damian shoulder.
"Come Damian let's have an Uncle nephew cut up before
We call it son."  AS Damian began dancing Father Hakim 
Intervened, "I'll dance with my son this time if you don't
Mind."  Uncle Preston serenaded instead danced with 
2 of his wives, Wadiki and Nini. Meanwhile Damian was
Entertained watching his father. "Ha! Dad I'm impressed!
Yeah!"  Carter Hakim replied, "I see you have steps too!
You do son!"  Damian made a half turn a slid.  Carter spun
Around to face Ma Lucinda.  The music changed, "ah! Slow
Dance!" Dolly was Behind him and Molly and Holly were
Also near. Damian Bellowed, "I SEE YOU OUT THERE  DOING

The  calamity ended at 3 am.