Love Poem: Chapter 166-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The figuring of complications

Chapter 166-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The figuring of complications

September    2051

Early afternoon part of one plan unfolded

Amaliah asked, "You can really cook?"  Damian replied, "aaye sis I've been a bachelor with my own place for some years before I married. YEAH! I COOK! and I say I'm a mighty good chef! Maybe not professional. I promise not to poison anybody."  They laughed and planned as Molly Dolly and Holly planned the babies play day. 

Back to Damian's plan: CJ asked, "so what do you expect
Of us brother nothing complicated I hope."  Amaliah 
Announced "and we're going to be planning the babies
Play day. I just know they're not starting without me!" 
I should go."  Damian caught her arm. "Wait. Why don't you
Invite my wives here and finish up your baby play date plans.
That'll give me enough time to prep it. Just do it all." 
 Mama Lucinda entered from the path door in accompany  of father Hakim. Damian voiced apprehension, "Be sure Holly doesn't 
Become suspicious. Remember the party's for her."
"Sure you can trust me Damian."  Amaliah left the scene. 
"What are you youngsters planning." Ma Lucinda was curious. 
"Don't say you don't need my
Help! CJ said, "YEAH ma Damian needs some help. I'll
Be there too D. and dad can you sit with Jaguar while
I'm over at Ds?"  Father Hakim agreed.  Damian  CJ and 
Ma Lucinda went through the passage way together.  
. Damian and CJ entered the house Amaliah found  Molly
In the indoor garden in the front yard. "Hey Molly! What
You doing here? Why aren't you celebrating your birthday it's 
Today right?" Molly said, "Nòo remember? Our Birthday was July!" Amaliah face exhibited An odd expression. Molly was suspicious.
"Why what do you know? 
Who's planning What? There's something going on? 
People in this family Are truly full of surprises!" 
And tomorrow is HOLANNYA'S birthday you know? Amaliah asked, "Hey let's go to my house and plan the kids play time."   Molly replied, "I see Dolly Coming now and we planned most 
of the baby affairs long time now."   "Well let me just 
walk you over 'cause I think the
Men want the main, your house for mingling and whatever plans
They're hashing."  She responded, "oh I'd like to know their plans."
Amaliah said, "Oh stop it's complicated! They are so complex."
They exited the garden after Molly had pruned the last 
Rose.  Damian and CJ were in the kitchen,  Holly
Entered afterwards coming from the backyard. "What business 
Do you have in the kitchen you two?" Dolly and Molly voiced
Similar thoughts.  Holly asked, "why are you putting pots
On the stove Damian?"  "Ooh, I...I'm wondering where are...I'm hungry!
CJ laughed, "Let's search the fridge! CJ opened the 
Refrigerator door.  CJ quietly remarked  "ooh My brother has to many wivies." Saderi interfered secretly informed "your husband is
Doing his thing with a moderate shingding a
 family dinner for Holly."  Damian said, "Hey then where's the
Surprise here."  Molly blurted, "did we spoil the affair husband!?"
We didn't mean to Damian. You forgive?"  "What's this Damian, 
On my behalf?" Damian tried not to be obvious about his
Affection, He smiled, "Yeah, Holly blossom. This dinner
Is for you."  She kissed his cheek. He kissed her on her lips.
Amaliah  announced, "come on you women Let's the baby thingamajig." 
 The 4 of them left  The large kitchen. CJ sat at the counter
 and slapped the surface hard with laughter,  "YEAH thanks
 CJ big help man! YOU should have been the LOOK OUT."  CJ was hysterical, "I loved your reaction Damian,  PRICELESS! aah MAN! 
Diamonds!  Haha! Forgive My Laughter Damian." 
  Damian Asked, and where'd  Ma Lu disappear to?"  
CJ replied, "She was steps behind us I
Saw her slip up stairs probably to see the kids."   Sidney walked
Down the hall from his attached house. "Hey family! Damian 
Whatcha doing man?"  Damian was irritated, "it looks just
Like what I'm doing, about to cook Sidney."  Sidney pressed
On, "but what Happened to those wives you have? Let 'em get
It."  CJ reached out a tapped Sidney's shoulder, "LET IT STEADY
Sidney."  Ma Lucinda intruded in time to see Damian's comical 
Glare. "NOW, what's going on here? Oh never mind.
Let's have all of this done before the day ends, or before
Next YEAR!"  CJ and Sidney began lending their assistance.
One hour later pots were heating on the 2 huge stoves with Caribbean 
Cuisine. "I think we did a magnificent job for a few amateurs
And a top chef." Ma Lucinda jokingly expressed.  She vacated
The premises on her way to her mansion first stopping 
To visit her daughters in Law at CJs and Amaliah's. 
She stayed to help with the baby invites and names of 
"All nineteen or so."  Mama Lucinda Asked, "Holly how old
Are you honey? Oh my birthday is tomorrow ill be 42."

 The whole family converged  to celebrate  Holly's birthday the next  day. 
Damian stood and toasted. "Thank you HOLANNYA for being my wife and being a
Part of our lives. And here's to you family! WELCOME TO DAMIAN'S  
Holly Molly and Dolly sat on both sides of him. "Happy Birthday babe. Are you happy? I always try for the best for all of you." He passionately smothered her lips 
With his for quite a few seconds. "Yesss I Happy Damian." She salacious replied.