Chapter 19-- Dolly Damian and Molly: Cascades
Damian and Dolly met at the small Park
A mile away from her and Molly's apartment.
They were touching loving kissing and a bit of
Caressing. It was intoxicating. To much
For a Park bench. They had to stop
Dolly pulled away first. Damian licked
His lips groaning, "yes, it was starting
To feel to strong for the park. Dolly
Explained, "We were having a moment
We need to put our urges away for
A later time." Damian put his hand on
Her thigh she explained "I guess
We need to know each other better
Before we start the next level."
Damian rared up, "the next level?
We know each well enough Dolly!"
Dolly smiled nervously, not knowing
How to reply "yes. Exactly."
"Next time let's bring sheets we'll
Have a picnic." Damian found himself
Wanting to please her in every way.
"Hey, there's a new club called Cascades
I'd like to take you there, if you'd
Like. It's nice with
Transparent floors, waterfalls a
Full bar and a pizza oven."
"Would you Like to take that trip
In the future." He said while holding
Her hand. He watched and
She blushed Matching her Magenta Lipstick.
"yes I wouldn't Mind."
She was careful not to seem to
Eager. She said with regretful
Sorrow, "Maybe we should go."
He stood up "Yeah, let's bounce."
The ride home was short as they
Spoke of the few memories they had
Together. Molly was home. Dolly
Reveled in the news of the new club.
"Cascades was a disco extravaganza
With waterfalls and Transparent dance
Floors. And the music, Jazz infused
With Hip hop and all the rest of
The best." The next day Damian came
For a visit. "I tried calling you but I
Kept getting your voice mail. Did
You turn your phone off?" .Damian
Tried to be calm as he noticed
Dolly studying his body language.
"Yes, I turned it off when I had
My nap. I forgot to turn it back on"
"Sorry I won't do it again." She
Said calming him.
"Why don't you show me around?" He
Motioned for her to move pass
A doorway.
"Ok, why not."she said
"I'll show my bedroom first."
He walked with her, holding her
Soft hand squeezing it gently.
"I can't stay, gotta go to work."
"Gotta get on the grind."
Then he kissed her lips
Hugged her gently squeezing her
Body with his massiveness. He
Loosened his hold on her. "I want to
See you Friday, and take you to
Cascades." Dolly asked, "Will we
Spend... (he interrupted her)
"Yes, the whole day together."
They shared kisses at the front door.
And he tenderly rubbed her belly.
"See you in two days." She tip toed to
Whisper In.his ear.
"Later." Was his gruff final word.
Damian knew he wouldn't be able
To concentrate at work with torturous
Thoughts of her invading his mind.
Meanwhile Molly and Dolly were
Home entertaining a surprise guest.
Polly rang their bell at 7:45 in.the
Evening. Polly only wanted information
On Dolly and Damian. She hunted
"So how has everybody been getting
Along? I haven't seen yall in weeks.
Ever since the Last Copy Cat Club
Visit." Dolly waited for the major
Question. Dolly baited, "We are all
Very well and happy. Thanks for your
Interest." Dolly produced her most
Cheerful attitude with a malignant
Smile she saved for these special
Occasions. But Polly wasn't satisfied
With Dolly's answer. She dug in for
The kill. Eat some pizza Polly couldn't
Help her self. "Is Damian alright?
Do you see him much?" Dolly
Was upset but she refused to
Be probed. Molly yelled from the
Kitchen while washing dishes.
"He's ok!" Dolly could no longer
Resist, "He's just fine. With all of
His charisma mustache and
Sideburns." Molly came just in
Time to deposit herself on the couch
between Them. Polly was shocked to
Hear Dolly's adoring description of
Damian. She turned red at the mention
Of the description. Polly was
Sick with jealously and admiration
"Oh" , her voice was weak. "He has Sideburns?"
Dolly, sprang from the sofa, "OK, Polly
It's getting late you need to leave now."