Love Poem: Chapter 23 -- Dolly Damian Friends and Family-- He Knows Their Names

Chapter 23 -- Dolly Damian Friends and Family-- He Knows Their Names

Two weeks passed before 
Dolly called Her twin. "Hey 
Girl I'm  coming to see you in a 
Little while."  "Ok, sis at about
What time?" Molly inquired.
"About an hour and a half 
Actually it's going on 2 so I'll 
Be there by 3." Dolly intended to
Grab a cab for transportation.
Damian is in class until the 
End of the day. He was almost 
Into his 2nd semester enrolled in a 
Nearby community College.
The cab pulled up to The curb
Early. "Hey Molly."  She greeted
Her sister with opened arms. 
Molly Was happy to see 
her in her Motherly glory.  
"Derek lives Here now."  "Oh." Dolly said
Not surprised by the information 
As she sat down.
 Molly engaged conversation after 
closing the door. Her boyfriend Derek 
Appeared from their bedroom.
 Dolly waved  to him he waved back.
"How are you and Damian."
Molly was excited for Dolly 
Being 8 weeks pregnant. "And
Congratulations to you with 
Your bun in the oven."

"Thanks Sis.  We're OK. 
Though. Damian is in school 
Now, nearing his 2nd semester."
He'll be A Radiology technician 
After he graduates." 
Molly asked "so how are you
Doing with money?"  "Hmm,
Our financial troubles are 
Unfortunate but we are hanging 
On strapped for cash.  We 
Might need to apply for a loan."
Dolly frowned with her hand on
Her growing belly. Concern for
Damian festered within her.

"Damian is happy with the way
Plans are unfurling. He has
Financial aid and he still has his
Partime job at Deuces." Molly
Inquired, "Is Damian treating you 
Differently now due to your
Condition?" Dolly screamed 
"Hell yeah!" She grew excited 
Just  thinking about him. 
He bought me so many 
Maternity outfits. "BUT he
Still gets his way jacking me up.
"Still!" And whenever he wants!"
Dolly exclaimed. Molly
Sat beside Dolly on the couch 
And said, "I wonder what the rest 
Of Our family will think when they
Meet Damian."  Just then, a 
Polite knock at the door introduced 
Polly. "Hey Polly, been a while."
Dolly said, smiling as
Polly stepped closer. "Hey Dolly
I've been around. And 
I've  been spending time with my
New boyfriend." Polly saw
Dolly's condition. "Oh, My 
polly stuttered.  "Damian?" 
Polly pointed at Dolly's  belly.
Dolly laughed putting her hand 
On her belly and Smoothing her
Maternity blouse. 
A boy." Dolly replied.
Polly was unnerved by this
New revelation.  "Well what
Does your family think, do
They know?" Polly asked.
Molly said "Mommy?"  Dolly
Continued,  "Nyasha...will 
Probably be a possible 
Perplexing problem."  Dolly's 
Phone rang on the coffee table.
She answered, "Hey love, yes.
Uh-huh, yes Damian the 
Daughtry sister's will be ready.
Ok."  She Whispered a sexy
Goodbye putting the phone away
Into her suede purse.  "Damian 
Is on his way to get us and take
Us to Mommy's.  Are you ready 
Molly?" Molly Said,  "always."
"Oh, well let me leave then and
Yall Have a good time!." Polly 
Yelled while walking through the
Door.  Damian arrived soon
After Polly's departure. "Come
With it let us be quick about
This!"  Damian barked. 
Dolly was putting her
Lipstick on when Damian said
"You know this, that those 
Things don't matter most of
The time."  Dolly said, "But my
Lipstick matters kissing his
Cheek. "Let's  go babe." Damian 
Smirked holding her hand.
Backing out of the driveway 
They were on the road. Smooth
Ride. Damian handled the road
With expert precision. Both 
Women looked on with silent
Admiration as they headed out 
Of town.  Damian said with one
Hand Touching Dolly's belly,
"Remember our doctor's 
Appointment for tomorrow."
They had at last arrived at their 
Destination after an hour drive.
The place was a ten floor 
Complex.  Dolly pressed the
Button for 5G. A few minutes 
Passed then  A loud woman's 
voice asked, "Who is it?!" from the
Other end. Dolly shocked
Damian with her response, 
"It's Delilah and Mallory,
Mommy."  They were buzzed
In and waited for the elevator.
Damian was silenced for
A while by this new information. 
He softly called Her name "Delilah?" 
Dolly walked the hall searching
For her mother's apartment.