Love Poem: Chapter 48 -- Damian Delilah Mallory and Damian Junior

Chapter 48 -- Damian Delilah Mallory and Damian Junior

Year 2031 would soon come
To a close. Everyone will be
A little wiser. 
Damian Junior wanted a 
Girlfriend and he was soon to
Be 13. Amadeus and
Desharah will both turn 10.
The oldest kids had a desire to
Add to their sibling ranks. They
Discussed it.
Damian Junior Was the first to 
Speak. "What are we to become 
Hakim? We need more brothers 
For the family. Do you agree?
Amadeus said, "And How in
The world are we supposed to 
Travel with so many kids. 
Desharah asked, "Amadeus, you
Don't Want more brothers?"
We need more brothers 
Ame remember, we Hakim!"
Meanwhile Dolly and Molly were 
On a mission. They found a
Factual fetal female fertility 
Clinic. They began a fertility 
Treatment regimen. Boy, 
Sounds like it's going to be a
House full of tantrum throwing 
Two year olds in two years.
Delilah and Mallory were 
Going to get into healthy hot
Half-hearted heavy 
Trouble trying
Tribulations. They had no 
idea how harrowing it 
would become.
There'll be more multiple births
For both of them. But they
Discussed and thought it out.
The kids kept asking them 
About other babies. But it Was 
Never a family discussion so.
They are in boiling water now
 wondering if Damian 
Would be happy about The news.
Molly said, "what if Damian gets
Upset by what we did?
This will cause multiple births."
So Dolly said, "Well sis we don't 
Have to tell him immediately."
"He's probably going to kill us!"
"Don't say that Dolly and besides 
It was a good life."  Then
Dolly replied, "Ha! It's still a good life 
Molly."  The doctor at the clinic 
Gave them a battery of test and
Their first treatment at the clinic
and all the material they needed 
to ensure healthy pregnancies. 
"We have to go back next
Week."  Dolly  reminded Molly 
They Went home and 
their Healthy Hearty herd of 
Damians were all their to
 greet them. The women 
searched for Damian and 
found him asleep in family 
Room. "We should let him 
Sleep." They went to the nursery 
And observed, "The Kids have 
Outgrown the nursery, why
Don't  we redecorate and make 
Something else out of it. 
"Cause these next kids...hmm."
She spoke with quiet
Secreting  into her sister's ear. 
She grabbed Molly's arm.
"Oooh, when are we going to 
Tell him."  They were buried in
Conspiracy. "We'll tell him....
After the fact."  "Aaah. Hah. You
Mean when he's all taken care 
Of."  "And damn Mallory that
Should be as SOON AS possible."
The two were overcome with 
Anticipation. So what do we do
Now? Delilah asked.  And at
The same time the Damian 
Entourage entered the nursery.
Damian Junior was first to 
Speak. "Mom auntie,  what...
Are... we going to do with this
Nursery?  Think we should 
Keep it for the rest of the
 Was surprised. She thought 
Damian Junior must have 
Heard them speaking. He 
"Ma, Auntie we need a bigger 
Family. The rest of the boys
Chimed in yeah, we want a 
Bigger family. They were 
Busy in adult affairs. So
Delilah said, DJ it's not your
Place to ask us for more
Babies. We'll speak to your
Father about it. "More brothers."
The youngest boys yelled.
"Your father." Molly and Dolly
Were pleased with their 
Position on expanding the 
Family. "We can speak 
To Daddy together.  All of us
Okay." All children answered in
Unison. "Yes ma."  "Come now
Everybody out." Molly ushered 
Them to the door.  "Delilah let's 
Take the kids and visit mommy 
Today.  Now while it's still 
Early."  Dolly said "ok but, no let's 
Go tomorrow.  We need to take 
Care of Damian first. 

Molly said, "Alright who'll be
First?"  Dolly replied, "I don't 
Care it doesn't matter. But, Right 
Now Molly."  "We Should stop
Living dangerously." Molly said.

They strolled down the hall 
To peek inside the family room. They
They Peeked  inside. He wasn't 
LOOKING FOR?" Damian asked
Behind them. Dolly said, "Hi
Damian are you all rested up?"
He said, "Yeaaah, why?"  "What
Are your plans?" Dolly had
Entered clear and present 
Damian possessed the look of
A Hungry lion.
They were simply caught 
In the treacherous trying trap.
Who will be first. Damian started
Licking his lips and smiling.
"Dolly," he said, taking her hand 
"Come here" they walked to the
Bedroom. Once inside
He started undressing her. He
undressed, his pants,  then 
His shirt ripping it throwing 
It to the floor He stood before 
Her in his boxers.
Her heart beat
Quickened. It was broad daylight 
She didn't say a word. He started 
Kissing her. She didn't resist.
He put his hands on her waist
Pushing her onto the bed. 
Oh, the caressing, tender
Bosom. He sat on the bed and
Put her on his lap. Her favorite 
Seat. She was nude now 
Perfectly vulnerable for what
He had in store. He began 
Kissing and sucking and more.
Caressing. Paradise on a
Virginia afternoon. Now biting 
She brought the animal out
Every time. "No Mercy" He said.
she moaned when passions 
raged Inside of him. He carried
Her away in delicate punishing 
Ecstasy. "Oooh,"  she moaned.
He bit and she cried. He looked 
Into her eyes. There was a telling
Smile on his face because of
What was still to come. His
Arsenal was far from depleted.
He rolled onto his back took a
Deep breath and pulled her on
Top of him. His smile became 
A smirk. Then he began 
Messaging her buxsoom bosom.
"Oooh, Daamiiaan."

"Yeaaah."  He continued his
Love escapades because she
Didn't want to be free. He moved
Again on Her with the full 
force of his powerful 
Body. He was all 
over her just like before. She
Couldn't stand much more.
 He kissed and Bit her 
everywhere until she 
Screamed ,then moaned again.
"Daamiiaan." And he continued. 
Covering her,  stopping her 
Breath. Messaging her until she
Cried and again they 
Exhausted the spasms they
Endured through the hours as
He continued to claim her
Body. Then she Screamed. "Damian 
I can't breathe." he looked Down 
At her under him. He smiled.
Then rolled over onto his back
He pulled Her to him and
Held her tightly. 
Finally they both slept.