Chapter 87 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Solomon Brothers and Sisters
Date: March 2041
The weather was agreeable all
Seemed well in the Damian house
Hold early morning. The kids were
Heading out to school. Dolly and
Molly were helping the 3 year olds.
This will be their first day in pre- k.
The 3 year olds stayed together
In the same class. Their teachers
Attempted to separate them but
It was futile. They refused to Be
Separated. Performing tasks
Eating and all activities were
in their own private
Group. Rather than cause a
Complete meltdown the pre- k
Staff Let them have their way. Nap
Time, the same thing, brotherly
Now, DJ and his clan had lunch.
The Solomon ate together the
Solomon associates joined
Them. They managed to occupy
3 lunch tables. As they ate, students
Passed by complaining and
Staring. No body made any real
Noise about it UNTIL.....a new
Crew was afoot, strangers.
Damali DJ and Ricky sat together.
DJ tapped Damali, "Hey Brother
You see those guys sitting at
One of our tables." Damali
Cautioned, "Yeah, I think we
Need to speak with them, they might
Be a gang too. I want them
As allies." The Rival gang made the
First move. Two of them were
Approaching as all of the Solomon
Stood as though there would be
Some sick serious violence in
The educational establishment.
However, it seemed as though
They only wanted to introduce
Themselves. One teen extended
His hand to Damali, "My Name
Is Chu Lang Wahdien." Damali
Offered a solid handshake.
"I'm Damali Trech Hakim."
Damali continued, "These standing
Are all my brothers. We are
Solomon." Chu Lang took a step
Back, "Oh, we don't want a fight
You. We are here to offer
An alliance. We the BLACK CHINA
MEN. The Hakim team teens
Noticed the dreads on Chu Lang's
Head. He is Chinese. He was also
Black. Most of His gang had dreads
And they were Chinese. Damali
Nodded to Chu Lang.
The Solomon Brothers
Relaxed, "Alright, then we'll
Discuss an alliance, Today. 5 o'clock."
We live on the big estate in front
Of the gated hood." Chu Lang
Replied, "Me and my deputy will
Be there." Then
The school officials announced
The end of the school day over
The PA.
The Solomon were growing with
Alliances associates and of
Course the Solomon Sisters.
After the Solomon members
Assembled they walked away
From school primesis.
Damali stopped after walking a
few yards and said, "We'll have
A meeting today at your place
DJ, only for key gang members.
You me Ricky and Chu Lang
And his deputy. The Solomon
Associates." He placed
His hands on their shoulders
You two are my good lieutenants."
The meeting will be 5 o'clock
Today, make sure. You
Have all of your homework out
Of the way. All your chores
Done. No distraction." DJ asked
"So Damali where were you
When we were putting our gang
Together, it was just me and
Ricky first?"
"I was staying out of town with
Uncle Roman for a few months."
"Why are you questioning me?"
DJ and Ricky where dumbfounded
DJ countered, "I can't believe this!
Damali my brother! you are
Becoming a dangerous
Dictator!!" At this point Damali was
Quite upset, Aah wait...wait one
Damn minute! You're questioning
Me? I know more about how to
Run this getup than you!!"
LEADER?! "Tell me!". He poked
DJs chest. "And I'll make my
Exit!" DJ responded
"Damn Damali. I didn't
Mean for you to get so upset."
"We just feel that you have alot
Of control. That's all." "Okay
You are saying 'WE' but Ricky.
You ain't saying much." Add
Your sense Rick." Ricky said
" I'm waiting for y'all to hash it
All out." Ricky said, "but I...yeah I
Feel the same way." Damali slid
Back with a Welcoming reply,
"Alright, listen some days I might
Not be around. Then you can
Take over as much as...possible."
"I want you both to understand I'm
The oldest male of the kids in
Our family. Right Rick? Ricky nodded.
I'm used to being boss. But I'll let
You exercise some authority."
I know I seem older than I actually
Am. That's because I've been
Surrounded by adults most of
The time learning from them
And being bullied by them."
DJ asked but you don't want us
To question you? Damali said,
"Yeah question me. I can't promise
You I won't become upset."
"But question me and I'll question
You too." The Black China Men
Veered toward their own destinations.
DJ noticed their direction. "Do
The Black China Men have our
Address." Damali said, "They have
They Started walking. DJ stopped.
"Wait we don't have to take this
Long walk. We can ride. The limo.
Ricky reacted, "Yeah. That's right."
Damali said, "put it in motion
Brother." DJ whipped out his
Phone called the Limo driver and
Spoke and few words. Then
Put the phone away saying, "The
Limo will be here in 10 minutes."
Damali said, "Good deal DJ."
"Can we get that every day?"
DJ replied, with a Charismatic
"Of course we can." The
Limousine arrived exactly
10 minutes later. The group
Swiftly entered the large luxury
Looming Limousine with the
Rest of the Hakim kids And they
Sped away toward the rest of the
Promising day.