Cherish What You Have
all of the people in this world have the problem of not knowing what they have until it's gone.
The few people that understand this and have not made the mistake have lived happy
lives.Is's hard for someone to understand their emotions and what they feel and it is the
downfall of many. when you have someone you love and that makes you happy don't screw
it up by cheating or changing the way you act because the way you act is the reason the
person likes you in the first place. You need to cherish what you have because it can kill you
in the end. If your going out with someone you really like say it to them some of the time.
Tell them that you care about them. Show them that they are the only one for you.Don't be
a moron and get jealous if she hangs out with her other friends some of the time just be
there for them. If you have something good cherish it as if it were a gift not a right because
it can be taken away in a heart beat. Love is one thing in this world that has the power to
wound deeply and it cant be taken back. You need to be careful and enjoy what you have
and make damn sure you don't hurt the person there is no excuse to cheat, lie, or break up
with someone just because you want to go out with someone else have a very damn good
reason for it. Don't break up with them in a note or a text tell them to their face and explain
to them why. when you break up with them you need to be nice and don't be a total b&tch to
them. Like I said love can wound in places that cant heal so when you do find someone
cherish them like a golden treasure sent from heaven.