Love Poem: Childhood Love

Childhood Love

Childhood Love (Villanelle)

I remember that glorious day when we were young,
We played together and danced through time and space,
If only I expressed my loving thoughts with my tongue.

Our childhood love was written on the pulse next to the lung,
Your eyes shone, dazzled and glistened with grace,
I remember that glorious day when we were young.

You stood by the gate next to a paddock filled with dung,
My fearful state didn’t want to be kissed in your embrace,
A twelve year-old didn’t know what to do when love’s phone rung.

It was amongst the summer trees and by the river where we hung,
Even in the face of fear, I still loved beholding your pretty face,
I remember that glorious day when we were young. 

I wonder if the birds noticed, their mouths chirped and sung,
It was as if time slowed because life happened at a slower pace,
If only I expressed my loving thoughts with my tongue.

Love can hurt and cooler guys pursued you; my teenage years stung,
Throughout your years I wondered if in your heart if I still had a place,
I remember that glorious day when we were young.
If only I expressed my loving thoughts with my tongue. 

By Scott Beattie