Childhood Memories Dedicated To Dad
Dad, how I love to recall
The days when I was very small,
On your lap, ear upon your chest,
Moments like these I loved the best.
Holidays with coastal walks,
Singing songs and having talks.
Shadow puppets on the wall.
Picking me up after a fall.
Saucepan lids and banging pans
Singing MacNamaras band.
With my 'slippy' on your head,
Auntie Mary stories before bed.
A too-ra-loo-ra lullaby.
Flying kites in the sky.
Waves waves you can't catch me,
Egg and chips for our tea.
Gear changing in the car.
Making an elastic band guitar.
Sticky toffee, Turkish delight.
Looking at the stars at night.
These memories bring so much pleasure,
Of a childhood that I treasure,
So on this special fathers day
There's just one thing I want to say.....
...... I love you xx
17th June 2017
For my dad on Father's day tomorrow.