Love Poem: Chipmunks Chase
keith mchugh Avatar
Written by: keith mchugh

Chipmunks Chase

Chipmunks playing chase,

Down at my favorite place,

A reminder of your grace,

When sadness fills the space,

Bringing a smile to my face.

Chipmunks playing chase,

I let my thoughts embrace,

Why they're racing around,

Snickering a squeaky sound,

Smiling at the treasure I found.

Chipmunks playing chase,

Racing across the ground,

A frown turned upside down,

A giggle comes bubbling out,

It's so fun to think about.

Chipmunks playing chase,

My sorrows they erase,

For just a moment,

A gift in my Present,

Thankful for the event,

I watch Chipmunks chase,

Enjoying their Present.