Choosing Whom To Love... Is An Unsolved Dilemma
Choosing whom to an unsolved dilemma, we humans seldom attest;
how can love be shared equally among the ones who delight our very heart?
I can't love one person more than the other, it's utter unfairness on my part;
what troubles me is to whom I'll give the deserving affection that can last...
If many haven't loved me or touched me in the simplest, truest way: I can go past that;
and wouldn't hold it against them, but what I will tell them is to be my friends and chat.
And the saddness of the matter is that friends aren't like God who's ever-present;
they live among us for a short while, then they depart to begin their jeourney's quest.
Many dark days have see me waiting on someone like a hopeless beggar: bitter, cold and sad;
no nickels, dimes or quaters were tossed into my coffee cup I held up with a trembling hand.
Fate, unfair fate will there be a time when you'll show me sympathy, and not embitter me?
If another chance at being loved were given to me, I wouldn't forfeit it when it accosts me.
Choosing whom to an unsolved dilemma, causing confusion to clearly think and pause;
not all can be certain of hearing that they are truly loved by offering them a beautiful rose.
Copyright 2009 by Andrew Crisci