John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
In the twilight, a voice comes on a still night
Singing of wonder, blessings, insight
Beyond the meanings, beneath the delight
With only the purpose of glistening bright,
Breaking hearts who are, certainly, not right.
In the moments, before joy falls like snow
Blessing away the darkest colors who blow
Soundless flakes, quiet as souls who know
Love is a promise, fading into the distant flow
With a beautiful beyond words, a gentle glow
In the eyes of the heart who sincerely believes
Joy is poured out on the pining soul who greaves
His purpose is to silence tears – His love relieves
He is the light that no shadow of doubt deceives
He’s the life who the greatest poet conceives
Never doubt Him, who melts hearts who’re froze
Assuring souls that His love just grows and grows
There is assurance that He is the light who just knows
Wherever we go, there is assurance that He arose
So each of us can know what it means to be chose!