Love Poem: Christina Wrote A Sestina On The Nina
Michael Ramel Avatar
Written by: Michael Ramel

Christina Wrote A Sestina On The Nina

Christina why do you laugh
   at the men with whom you make love?
Do you have beliefs, any hopes?
Do you cry?
Do you need?
Do you fear?

Christina tell me all your fears
Ignore the devil when he laughs
Like me I know you need
   someone special to love
I say "In the rain we all cry
   when we lose sight of hope."

Christina do you see the lighthouse of hope
Or the angry sea as fear?
She asks "Have you ever seen a seagull cry
Or for that fact laugh?"
"They are free of the burden of love
But they see the sea as home."

Christina cries in need
"What does it take to have hope?"
"I want love
I hate fear
I want to laugh
Whenever I cry"

"Christina please don't cry
Because it's you I need
I want to hear God laugh
I want to shake His hand and hope
That all of my fears
Don't get in the way of all my love"

Christina is in love
That is why she can cry
The angry sea crashes in fear
That's how it feeds its need
To destroy all hope
  and the reason we all laugh

So Christina you don't need to fear
As land is now within sight
And as you reach shore we will reunite