So fair the child,
heir is the child --
Dear Woman
Your Babe Divine
Behold the child,
Mary’s child --
Son of God is
Mother of Christ,
our redeeming grace --
Jesus, our blessed
Rejoice for the child,
we follow as children
miracle of all ages --
wisdom above all
Sacred heart that purges
Spark of loving presence urges
not fear of rod
nor dreadful wrath
He clears the brush
making way pure path~
Love, His reclamation --
mission to heal God’s
breaking the cycle of
sinful damnation – Father,
Son and Holy spirit with us,
Prince of peace, dwelling within
and about us -- transfiguration
His Royal Proclamation:
let all men hear and abide;
earth, rejoined with heaven
henceforth together outright
eternally will reside --
No need for humanity to live further
forlorn – this day, man’s Savior has
been born!