Christmas Alone
I sit alone
looking out of my frost-covered window
watching the snowfall
upon the trees, upon the ground
My thoughts are lonely
I stare at a snow-covered mound
where a lamplight glows
watching the snow cover everything it touches
wondering why I am alone
staring at falling snowflakes
looking through frost-covered glass
feeling empty
It's Christmas! Dear God, it's Christmas!
and I am alone
I haven't been alone in forty years
and I have no understanding
nor reason to celebrate
no joy this Christmas
My tears fall like snowflakes
and my heart has become bitter and cold
as Winter
So I sit here and stare, thinking of nothing
trying not to remember
all the Christmas days spent before
This is a new pain, a new hurt
so I sit alone
looking out of my frost-covered window
trying not to break down again
thinking lonely thoughts filled with shadows moving
through snow-covered limbs
of the pines she loved
that hang above the grave of my beloved